Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ah, Spring
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Everything but the Kitchen Sink
man: How much for this shirt? (all clothes were $2 each)
me: $1. Or you can have all the clothes in both boxes for $10.
pregnant woman with substantial pile of baby stuff: How much?
me: Hmmm...$3?
12 year old girl flipping through a magazine
me: You can just have that.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Quilting Sweatshop
So I am really beyond sick of this quilt. Granted I did take a gigantic break from it when I was pregnant and for most of Rush's first year, but still, it's taking forever. For some reason after one male child I feel that the colors are totally irrelevant to my life, even though I could follow in the footsteps of the Frisco branch of the Williams family and have three girls after the first boy. But for now, I've invested too much time in it to quit, so I'm going to push through and get it finished as quickly as possible so I can move on with my life. Which is why last night when Trent and I settled down to watch a movie (The Informant - I liked it) after Rush went to bed, Trent lounged around in his pajamas eating ice cream and I got to work.
Because it obviously takes me forever to finish a quilt, I've already started working on a quilt for Rush when he moves into a twin bed. I'm still just cutting out pieces, but yesterday I decided to add some meaningful fabric by cutting up a pair of my old pajama pants. On our first date (10 years ago - wow), Trent was telling me some long story about these pajama pants he had with fish on them. I really don't remember the story and looking back it seems like odd first date conversation. But I had the same pair of pajama pants (why did I have a pair of men's pajama pants with fish on them?) and when I told him that, Trent said -on our first date- "this could be long term." Apparently so. He's going to freak out when he finds out I cut my fish pants, which I never wear and was only keeping for sentimental reasons anyway.
This really doesn't look like enough fabric for a twin size quilt, but I'm not sure what I did with the measurements so I'm not 100% sure how much fabric I actually need. It's another trial and error project that will hopefully produce something wonderful in the end. Thomas Edison was really into trial and error, and he invented the light bulb. I should be able to finish a blanket by the end of the year.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fix It With Waffles
and it was a nice distraction for the little guy today, as he was feeling a little down after four shots and a blood test at the doctor's office this morning. We couldn't stay outside all day, but we ended up with Rush's perfect inside activity...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Summer Garden, Take 1
While we're getting a late start, we're hoping to have a summer garden planed soon. Our tomato plants are still enjoying the greenhouse-like environment of the bathroom and will hopefully make it into the yard this week. Our loyal jalapeno plant looks like it survived multiple freezes this summer and our new cilantro is growing in a pot, so there could be fresh salsa in the future. Or there could be jars of Pace and fat, happy bugs living it up in our yard again.