Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It’s Not Quite Homesteading

I still want to talk about the Little House books – anyone else interested? Trent’s past the point of even being able to listen or respond.  When we’re trying to figure out something in our yard and I respond with, “We should ask Almanzo,” Trent just shakes his head and walks away.


We have eaten a few glorious, meaty, juicy red tomatoes.  I’m the big winner because I’m the only one who wants to eat them.  When we cut into the first tomato of the season, Trent said, “Oh yeah, tastes just like a home grown tomato.  I do not like that taste.”  He’s so into a growing tomatoes, taking the boys outside every day after work to check on them, that I forget that he doesn’t like to eat them unless they’re contributing to a sauce or salsa.  So more for me.  There is nothing like a fresh tomato on a sandwich.  My favorite sandwich of the moment:  toasted wheat bread, mustard, hummus, avocado, fat tomato slice, maybe lettuce or spinach if we have it. 

I might add bell pepper to the sandwich soon.


We’ve also had three ripe blueberries.  One of our blueberry plants has produced a few berries, the other is alive but not growing.  I wasn’t expecting to see any blueberries for a few years (based on the scientific approach of reading one website and maybe remembering that – or not- where’s Almanzo???) so I’m happy with three blueberries.

The other parts of the Summer 2012 Williams Garden are jalapenos, garlic, and herbs.  Not featured are the green beans and onions that never got planted.  Our small garden continues to be a minor supplement to our groceries, but nothing beats the smell of a tomato plant. It’s worth it just to stick my face into the plant and breathe and time travel to Gran and Pop’s house.

1 comment:

  1. I can still remember being in my grandfather's garden and the corn rows were like this giant tunnel. Such a great memory. The girls ask if we can grow corn but it's so ugly! and I don't think we have enough sun.

    I will talk Little House with you any day. I laughed because poor Chase is the same way and now Wren is on The Shore of Silver Lake and wants to talk to him about how to tan leather. We'll have a party. You can bring the (fresh tomato) salsa, Wren and I will talk Little House till you're sick of it and Chase and Trent can play Ticket to Ride.
