We received a letter from our homeowner’s association this week asking us to address an alleged issue on our property: “There are miscellaneous items that need to be removed.” That was the full description. Very graphic.
On Friday someone asked me what we’ve been up to lately. What have we been up to lately? The days are full, but it’s hard to pinpoint where they are going. The boys are loving school and are exhausted on their home days. We went to Froberg’s Farm for vegetables one day, played in the cul-de-sac a few times, played in the backyard without sweating out every ounce of fluid in our bodies.
We have been to Barnes and Noble a few times lately because the boys love to play with the trains. The train table is conveniently located next to the young readers’ biography section, so I can simultaneously read a biography and keep an eye on Rush and Tate. 600 page biographies seem really excessive after getting a nice overview written on a 3rd grade level. I find that I approach children’s biographies the same way I approach Time magazine, flipping past long articles about foreign affairs or the economy and starting with the culture section. So I’ve picked up the biographies of Jim Henson, J.K. Rowling, and Dr. Seuss, but haven’t made it to any world leaders yet.
Oh, we watched The Lorax on Friday. Cute movie, but doesn’t really capture the 'oh shit, we’re doomed, I’m going to be worrying about this at 3 AM’ vibe of the book.
Today was a great Sunday. Sunday school started again after a summer hiatus, so I’m back with the high schoolers. Rush and Tate are in a class together and were both very proud of the sheep that they made out of cotton balls. After church, we went out for hamburgers, thereby avoiding cooking and lunch dishes. I threw aside any notions of cleaning my closet or working on crafts to spend the boys entire nap time curled up in an old comforter, reading. After naps we ran some errands as a family. I was trying on a pair of shoes in a store and Trent kept asking if they felt good. I kept trying to explain that women’s shoes don’t necessarily have to feel good to buy them. The question is, are they going to be unbearably painful? I think women walking around a shoe store aren’t thinking, do these feel good? They’re thinking, how much walking will I be doing and can I make these work? Society is a strange thing.
On our last stop before heading home, I bought a big pack of licorice. Rush was disappointed by the candy and starting asking for a vitamin, because if he was disappointed by the candy I purchased then a vitamin laced gummy car was the next best thing. Tate spent about twenty minutes munching on his one stick (twirl?) of licorice. During our free-for-all Sunday night dinner, Rush just had bread, which he passed out communion style for anyone who would put out their hands, “like at church.”
And quickly a day of rest is going to become Monday, so…
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