Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What I Worked on with Peggy Olson, Part III

Well, I finished rewatching season 2 of Mad Men.  Oh, the beautiful things I didn't pick up on the first time!  Father Gill urges Peggy to confess, and she does!  To PETE!  Ahhhhh!  

And I finished this:

In classic form, upon tying off the last stitch and laying it out, I noticed this:

It's very demanding to always be expected to know what year it is.  That was easily fixed; it's not like it was the first thing I had to rip out.  From design to framing, the sampler took about ten months.  I didn't work on it every day or every week, but I did work on it pretty consistently.

It appears to be a little crooked in the frame.  Of course it does.  Trent should be able to sort that out for me tonight.  If not, it's staying crooked.