It is all happening at the zoo, at least for us. We went twice last week: Tate, Holly, and I on Friday and the whole family on Saturday. It’s preseason, spring training, whatever you want to call it.
We heard the zookeeper talking about the Baylor the elephant, pictured behind Tate. I remember when he was born, back when I was pregnant with Tate. According to the zookeeper, he now weighs about 4000 lbs and she described him as, “the smaller elephant in the yard.”
One of Tate’s favorite beach books (having nothing to do with the beach, but a beach book regardless) is A Porcupine Named Fluffy. It features one of our favorite book lines: “Fluffy didn’t know what a rough time was, but he didn’t like the sound of it at all.” The porcupine we saw at the zoo was surprisingly large.
Rush’s “Student of the Week” card, which we filled out for school back in September, asked for a goal he would like to meet in Kindergarten. He wanted to slide down a fireman’s pole on the playground, which takes some courage for the initial jump. He met that goal Saturday on the zoo playground, so there’s really nothing stopping him now. On to the next challenge!
After years of saying no, maybe next time, we finally splurged on a carousel ride for the boys.
Our next zoo trip is scheduled for next week. I plan to make this membership pay for itself in the first month.
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