Some people are get the tree up before Thanksgiving and start The Holidays with a bang. Some people, like my sister, wrap up Thanksgiving then immediately get the tree and lights up, ready to greet the First Sunday of Advent with all the excitement it deserves. My preference is to keep wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving until I get to sing, "Lo! He comes with clouds descending" and make an Advent wreath. Then the preparations and anticipation builds slowly, one day at a time. Like yesterday we unpacked the creche and I kragled on the donkey's ears and one of the wise men's head. Good progress.
It appears that Advent may be my very favorite church season. I mean, Easter of course, but Advent!
"Comfort, comfort ye my people, speak ye peace thus saith our God; comfort those who sit in darkness mourning 'neath their sorrows' load. Speak ye to Jerusalem of the peace that waits for them; tell her that her sine I cover and her warfare now is over."
A "Welcome Advent" paragraph in the church bulletin on Sunday included the sentence, "Be intentional." Okay. Let's do it.
Yes, it's much like getting into a freezing cold swimming pool - no wrong way to do it. Some people ease in one toe and then the other until they are slowly shoulder deep... some people cannon ball. I'm a cannonballer. Both into pools and Advent. Look at me - such a baller.