Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Delicate Balance

Trent and I find that the tipping point in our lives, when one of us starts to feel totally put upon, is paying the bills.  We can each take care of all our own work and family responsibilities, but whoever is currently in charge of paying the bills always feels like he or she is doing everything.  Right now it’s Trent, so I have no reason to complain.  But I have reached a very delicate point- I’m just busy enough that I’m more productive than usual, but also precariously close to messing things up, say for example packing Tate’s diaper bag before church this morning and then forgetting it at home. 

If I can just hold it together, hopefully I can channel everything going on into more efficiency in my life.  Hopefully…

So, we went to Austin last weekend for my niece’s baptism and my brother-in-law’s 30th birthday party.  (11-7 CLUB FOREVER!)  As I’ve mentioned before, so many people we love are currently living in Austin, so the visits just get better and better.  We actually had all our children’s godparents together on Saturday night which made me feel both happy and awesome.  Awesome because as a woman who brought my son to the church nursery today without diapers, a pacifier, or a bottle, at least I know I have a team of spiritual, funny, creative, fantastic people who have my back in the raising of these kids.


That’s the godparent dream team.  You’re welcome, sons.


We also got a mighty fine picture of the entire Rush clan:  Holla y’all.

Post Austin trip, we’ve been home.  Trent smoked some chickens on Saturday, so it looks like I don’t have to worry about anything but vegetables for the rest of the week.  Actually, longer than that because I can stretch a chicken into a week of meals, so the other chicken is in the freezer.


We also made the best pork ever, which we ate at Kate’s a few months ago and have been longing for ever since.  It cooks for 3-4 hours in the oven so we waited all summer and finally decided it was cool enough to cook it – definitely worth the wait.

Rush, Tate and I all finished our gifts for the family handmade Christmas gift making thing we’re doing this year.  (Reminder- everyone drew a name and you make a gift for that person, two separate gift exchanges, one with Trent’s family and one with mine, kids only participating with Trent’s fam)  Anyway, let’s get on to the non-important issue:  Look closely at the bottom left corner of the picture…my shirt is bunched and folded halfway up my back.  I’m wondering why no one told me about that before he took my picture.  Come on, man.


I’m reading too much into it and imagining I’m going to live my life in a constant state of a stray curler left in my hair or my pants ripped or my shirt bunched up halfway up my back, walking around with people who love me but didn’t notice enough to tell me to fix it.  But am I really reading too much into it or am I just accurately predicting it?  Because is this guy going to tell me I have lipstick on my teeth?


Is this guy going to tell me my shirt still has a tag on it?


Is Trent going to tell me that my shirt is on backwards?  Nope.  So please, please, if you’re female and friends with me, help a sister out.


  1. I -know- I can always count on you to tell me about the lipstick on the teeth. And I think the two biggest game changers with little kids are the first birthday and the third birthday. Not that life is suddenly super easy, it's just a marker for a different kind of hard. Just not the hard where you're quiet so -physically- exhausted. And diaper bags are easier to remember when you get enough sleep. You're almost there!

  2. 1. I like the crashed dump-truck in the background of Tate's photo. It really "drives" home your point. har har har
    2. I've been singing renditions of "Percy feels put upon" all morning now thanks to you. One rendition occurred when I laid Carolena down gently on top of Max, "Maxy feels put upon put upon put upon"
