Friday, February 14, 2014

You Can Take The Girl Out of Poland…

Days are full, overlapping full.  Feeding Holly merges right into feeding Rush and Tate merges right into dishes merges into starting a load of laundry merges into…actually that might be it right now, all our time occupied by eating and laundry.  I definitely haven’t been shaving my legs.

I go into what Trent and I call “Being Troy and Julee” mode at night.  Before we had kids and we would visit Trent’s brother’s family, we would leave straight from work with a thermos of coffee and sandwiches –Simon and Garfunkel song style- and make the 5 hour drive to Dallas.  We would get there just after eleven on a Friday night, exhausted from the workweek and the drive and ready to crash.  Troy and Julee would have their four kids in bed and would be opening beers and putting on music; their night was just gearing up.  Now I get it.  Staying up until midnight, even if I have been tired all day, is worth it to have a little time to wind down.


So a few days ago when the boys were at school and Holly was napping and I had an hour all to myself, I made sauerkraut.  Because that’s the best use of my time. 


There’s nothing a nursing baby loves like fermented cabbage.


  1. HA HA HA! Nothing I love better than my kids turning into hippies...peace, love, and cabbage.

  2. YES. You know you're going to be exhausted the next day anyway -- at least this way you're exhausted AND you had a conversation with an adult, hopefully about something besides the fact that the 3 year old now will only refer to the bathroom as "the poop house" for some reason.
