Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Voted ‘Most Likely To Spill Diet Coke on a Project’

Trent will never live down the Great Kitchen Remodel of Whatever Year That Was.  We were looking each other straight in the eyes when we decided that we would work on our kitchen after the holidays and that we would plan a Christmas party.  The day after we sent out party invitations, men arrived to rip out our kitchen countertops, setting of a chain reaction of repair and painting projects.  Trent ‘forgot’ about the conversation?  I don’t know, but he’s paid for it in full for having to listen to me bring it up every year.

2014-12-02 10.05.47

Trent has also left many major Christmas projects (notably, the cutting boards and kitchen –I honestly can’t believe those happened in the same year) until December.  It’s not an exaggeration to say he finds something every December to occupy every second of his free time.  He even did it last year.  Last year, when Holly was born.  In December. 

2014-12-03 10.39.54

We’re making almost everything we’re giving Holly this year and I’m not sure at what point I should start stressing about how much needs to be completed.  I’m Trent this year with the massive project load.  There’s no take-a-day-off-work option, one of Trent’s secret weapons.  His other secret weapon is not worrying about anything else, like presents that might need to be purchased or sheets that need to be changed for houseguests.  But I have a secret weapon as well:  STAYING UP LATE BY MYSELF, one of life’s great pleasures.  Hey coffee, see you at dinner tonight.


  1. I would just like to say, that I may (or may not) have learned my lesson. This year all of my projects were done before December.

    1. Remember when I frantically worked all day with the kids with me and didn't squeeze in all the errands I needed to run...and you had leisurely gone out to purchase a kitchen scale for another 5 hours of marmalade making? I think you're still not getting what I'm saying.
