Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Doing the Impossible

Last weekend, I got in the car by myself on Saturday morning, drove to Austin, and went to Kate’s.

2015-01-31 19.03.05

Is Kate’s THE place to be, the hottest spot in Austin, Texas, the entire USA, the world, the universe?  Possibly.  It was for me last weekend.  Pedicures, fancy coffee, talking books and games with her family, cheese trays, petting the sheep and chickens and dogs in her backyard, and meeting her friends for drinks AT EIGHT O’CLOCK AT NIGHT!  As in, it was 8 *PM* and we were wearing lipstick and drinking cocktails.  Looking around in amazement, anyone?  Yeah, we did that. 

 2015-02-01 09.39.27 

Veering into sorority t-shirt friend quotes here, but my bff might know me better than I know myself in order to plan the perfect weekend to give us time together and to remind me that I’m still a person, however smudged the line between person and mother has become.

And next we all need to visit because it’s only fair that the rest of the family get the full experience.  Austin 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Ah yess....Kate redefines what cool really is. You two are an awesome pair!
