For all the wonderful things that happened in 2014, there was a hint of mourning over the end of our beloved book sale as we once knew it. The massive once a year weekend event was split into four smaller quarterly book sales without a bag day. After attending the book sale together for seven consecutive years, Kellaura, Amber and I refrained from participating in any of the book sales last year in silent protest. Friday night, we were back. We tried out one of the lesser book sales and it was still pretty good.
There’s a certain joy in spending the evening in a room of strangers who also decided that the best way to spend a Friday night was at a library book sale in a church gymnasium. We weren’t in a cavernous convention center, but the eighties music blasted by the high schoolers getting their service hours created a cozy, festive atmosphere. It was still possible to find things like a fat, old French-English dictionary and a book of French poetry and decide, yeah, this is totally worth $4. For all the things we thought we lost when they changed the book sale last year, we were able to keep the best part:
The big reveal is always the very best moment of a book sale. Margaritas, Mexican food and taking turns showing all our finds rounded out a near perfect evening. Two car windows getting smashed while we were in the restaurant was a far from ideal ending, but as Kellaura pointed out, it is a book sale. Anything can happen.
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