It's the in-between week. All of a sudden it became too hot to stand around a playground (apparently 92 is the magic temperature) and the pool doesn't open until this weekend. So I was having a little bit of a we-have-nothing-to-do-this-week crisis until I remembered that we have an annual pass to the zoo. Yea!
That turned out to be the best investment ever, because instead of moping around the house all week, I filled our water bottles and made some sandwiches and Rush and I set out on a vacation-like adventure. And it was free. I do understand that at one point we paid for our zoo membership, but that's in the past. Our day yesterday: free.
Looking a little zoned? It was hot. But it was so worth it, because we saw the most adorable addition to the Houston Zoo...the new baby elephant! So tiny! So fuzzy! SO CUTE. In the picture he's standing next to his mother, with his grandma standing behind them. He was born earlier this month and has only recently been out and about at the zoo.
Rush and I were able to drag ourselves away from the elephants and spend some time in the children's area. Rush had his first petting zoo experience, which didn't impress him as much as I thought it would. I think it's because the goats felt exactly like Mel, Uncle Hunter's dog and Rush's best canine friend and relative.
I realized that the additional benefit of the annual pass is that I didn't feel obligated to see every single animal and stay all day. We were home for nap time. As for all the animals we didn't see yesterday, we'll be back to visit you soon.