Friday, May 21, 2010


It's been an uneventful week but I wanted to post something because I know Hunter gets disappointed if I go too long between updates. Thanks for being loyal Hunt. A good example of our week would be pictures of baskets of unfolded laundry, so instead I'm just sharing the general cuteness we see every night: Rush in pajamas. I love little kid pjs with their head to toe animal patterns.

He's flipping through the picture book I made for him out of an index card book and pictures cut out of magazines. It's a book made by a feminist, clearly constructed to help create a well rounded human being. "Look Rush, here's a picture of a man setting the dinner table. And here's a picture of a boy playing soccer and here's a boy reading a book." Luckily I had the TIME from the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, so there are plenty of astronaut pictures as well. "And here's Alan Bean, the fourth person to walk on the moon..."

And speaking of astronauts, did anyone else besides me watch the 30 Rock with Buzz Aldrin as a guest star? I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe and we had to stop the show and rewind it because I missed like 15 minutes while I was in hysterics. If you haven't seen it, it's on hulu, the episode is called The Moms, and I highly recommend it.


  1. I saw it and was thinking of you the whole time. I actually craffed at one point- something that only happens during pregnancy where I'm laughing so hard that I start crying. Always freaks Chase out, understandably.

    I will definitely be yelling at the moon with you, next time we hang out.

  2. I own you! I walked on your face!

  3. Hi, I am totally 'stealing' your idea for that flip book. the girls love theirs and that's what the cousins are getting!

  4. Thanks for calling me out Kel! Actually, this week was a little different because I usually check and there is one update or the same one and today (apparently I'm slackin') I looked and there were two new updates! Looks great and glad things are going well!
