Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Good Man, conclusion

Building is only on of Trent’s many talents.  You know what else he is really great at?  Saying yes and trying new things and baking.  Flash back to a few weeks ago, Trent was watching tv on a Sunday afternoon.  I mentioned to him that I saw a recipe on Smitten Kitchen for cheddar, beer, and mustard pull-apart bread that sounded like the perfect Trent recipe.  He made it that night.




Let me reiterate:  The bread is made primarily of cheddar cheese, horseradish mustard, butter, flour, and beer.  Oh yeah.

Here’s a picture of my shoes, which I kicked off as soon as I got home from our neighborhood boot camp and smelled the bread coming out of the oven.  I’m pretty sure I gained back seven times seventy the number of calories I burned that night.


It was insanely, insanely good.  We at almost the whole loaf in one sitting.


Trent may be able to build laundry pedestals and construct paths, but even more wonderful is knowing that he printed this recipe and added it to his cookbook.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so good! Trent, you are one cool cat! Kelly is a lucky girl! So are your boys and the rest of the family! Annndd, speaking of that, could you send me that recipe. Thank and Gig'Em.
