Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mr. Good Time

Trent is deep in preparation for his upcoming second ever barbecue cook-off.  Here he is last year at his first ever barbecue cook-off:

2013-04-06 09.10.22

Maybe right now you’re thinking, “I didn’t know Trent wore glasses!” 

Trent has better than perfect eyesight, but can be kind of a major pill if he’s losing at dominos or a board game.  The trick to keeping Fun Trent around is for him to wear his Good Time Glasses, a pair of 3D glasses with the lenses punched out.  With the Good Time Glasses, his mood stays elevated.  He’ll be wearing the glasses for the barbecue cook-off as well.


  1. Whew. Thank God for those glasses. Plus, he looks kinda cute.....and....there's always the beer...

  2. OMG. Laughing so hard about the Good Time Glasses. Love.

  3. Maybe I need some Mrs. Good Time Contacts so Chase will play gin with me again, without all of his "last time I beat you we almost got a divorce" whining. That guy. SO WHINY.
