Thursday, April 17, 2014


It was 6:50 this morning when Rush and Tate were told to put on their shoes and then sent into the backyard to run laps.  If they want to get up with the sun and use their muscles and voices, I might just plant crops for them to harvest.  They can greet the morning with a basket of grain and a hearty spiritual. 

2014-04-17 06.59.03

If I had one wish, it would be for all of God’s creation to live together in justice, harmony, and peace.  If I had two wishes, the first would be for all of God’s creation to live together in justice, harmony, and peace, and the second would be for someone to come to my house and give me a haircut while I eat Taco Bell and watch reruns of Wife Swap on tv.  If the person cutting my hair is an actual cosmetologist, I would like to pay $25 for the haircut, plus whatever he or she wants from Taco Bell.  If the person cutting my hair is just someone who wants to give it a try, I will pay you in whatever you want from Taco Bell.

The second wish sounds attainable, if elusive.  The first…sigh.  I already find myself using this refrain with the boys:  You can’t control what other people do, but you can control what you do.  That’s going to be said a lot over the next, oh, rest of my life as a parent.  Doing what I can, plus a fat dose of prayer (I happened upon these Prayers of the People today) and I can at least work on my part for Wish #1.  Let us remember the poor, take care of those in distress, stop fantasizing about tacos and haircuts and do the work of the gospel!

If Trent and I are doing nothing else right as parents, we have this:  Rush has talked about foot washing* with great excitement and anticipation more times this week than he has about Easter eggs.  He’s counting down the days to Holly’s baptism and to seeing extended family.  He’ll get pumped for candy, but it’s not his priority right now.  Amen and Amen.


*Foot washing always seems so very un-Episcopalian, yet here we are again.  My favorite foot washing experience was last year’s Maundy Thursday service, when I washed my children’s feet, then sat down only to have them look at me like, “Hey lady, no way.  We’re done here.”  That sounds about right.


  1. 1. I will cut your hair. I think I will be able to do a good job - I've been practicing on Carolena for a long time now and I pay close attention when I'm in the salon. Plus, if I mess up you can just go get a real haircut and I'll watch your kids while you do. Two crunchy tacos and one bean burrito please.
    2. I love the foot washing. And by that I mean it is so awkward and uncomfortable, and I appreciate that that is the point and for that I do in fact like it.
    3. Your kid is excited about foot washing. Mine picked out three Christmas books from the library and we've been reading them allllll week.

  2. I love this ... All of it! Happy baptism day to sweet Holly! Wish we could be there!

  3. I cut my own hair while looking in the bathroom mirror last week. That's where I'm at these days. And I think I'm okay with it? I didn't pay myself in taco bell though.
