Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Knock Knock Jokes- So Hot Right Now

Tonight on the way home from choir and dinner at church, we were telling knock knock jokes.  It went from courtesy laughs to we-need-to-pull-off-the-highway hysteria with Rush making up the single funniest (only funniest) knock knock joke I have every heard:

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Bridge who?
Light switch.  Aren’t you glad those two things rhyme?

This was shortly followed, like all good times, with crying.  The crying was related to whining, bickering, and hitting from the backseat, resulting in Trent throwing a fancy Halloween cupcake out the window onto the exit ramp.  It was Rush’s cupcake, and clearly an adequate punishment, because he screamed what can best be described as bloody murder. 

2014-10-22 07.59.13

We pulled into the driveway with people still upset and opened the door of the van to find Holly fast asleep.  She can either sleep through anything or has decided to use sleep as a way to remove herself from certain situations.  Either way, useful skill.


  1. OMG, have I told you about the time a goldfish cracker met its end on Hwy 394? I'm not proud of it.
