Friday, July 3, 2015

File Under "Best Vacation Ever"

Every vacation should fall into the category of "Best Vacation Ever".

So many factors contribute to a great vacation:  


 breaking a stroller trying to walk to the birthplace of the muffaletta, only to make your kids walk a million miles on foot to see a statue of Ignatious J. Riley,

a more or less random visit to the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola turning out to be one of the top museums I've ever been in,

a sandy trip to a Florida beach,


Flipper's Pizza,

Trent finding a hardware store to fix the stroller, then having the wheel pop off in the morning at the Magic Kingdom, then not stressing out one bit about being in Disney World with three kids anda broken stroller,

a little one napping under her "1st Visit" Disney World pin,

 a carousel,

 realizing you have a really fun traveler when it's pouring rain late at night and you ask a tired six-year-old to walk to the car in the parking lot instead of taking a tram because his siblings are sleeping in the stroller, (Great Rush quote, when asked if his feet were tired, "Well, I know I have to keep walking, so I just keep walking.")

the MOST AWESOME PARKING GARAGE Trent has EVER SEEN and he will be more than happy to tell you about,

 and just DISNEY  WORLD!

And the best sign of a fabulous vacation?  Exhaustion.
