Friday, September 23, 2011


Last week was my first visit to Houston’s annual children’s used booksale.  If the regular book sale is a fourth grade teacher who walks the whole class to the convenience store and buys everyone a coke or a giant red popsicle that you can use to pretend you’re wearing lipstick, the children’s book sale is a third grade teacher who gives you a mark if you ask to go to the restroom.  In all instances the end result is the same –knowledge- but some paths will be more enjoyable.


Actually, even in a gymnasium with a broken air conditioner and some seriously pushy and unfriendly shoppers, the book sale was still better than third grade.  I had both boys in the wagon –not a great plan, see unfriendly shoppers note above- and I just kept cramming books in with them until there was no extra room.  Then I put Tate in the sling so we could add more books.  We came home with a big, fabulous stack.  So fabulous in fact, that for the first time I had the trophy wife thought that I should never let my husband find out how much I spent.


I’m going back next year.  The night before the sale Trent asked if he could help pick out the books we were getting rid of to make space…but it doesn’t really work that way with books.  Luckily I have some new bookshelf ideas in mind…


  1. hahaaha. Trent. I'm with Trent - I definitely get rid of books. So... don't tell him that I'm bringing back all of your pregnancy books when I come in October.

  2. Yeah... we're 'don't get rid of books' people. I have stacks in my garage. Who knows? I might need to look something up?

    Also, I fix books for a living, so... there's really no such thing as a book that's too worn out to keep.
