Most anti-consumerism gift guides can be summed up in two words: Experiences. Charities. That's great, but ignores how fun it really is to spend all morning opening presents around the tree you parked in your living room and covered in lights. There are so many other options that take thought, time, creativity and might actually let heaven and nature sing. Therefore:
Joy to the World: 12 Ideas for Alternative Gift Giving
1. Plants. If anyone gave me a plant in a pot from their yard, like took a clipping from their bougainvillea or plumeria and established it in a pot for me, I would love it. NASA says you should have like at least ten houseplants to clean the benzene out of the air. You can buy a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store for $20 or a giant houseplant for $10, any day of the year.
2. Change Jars. My brother has a really great godfather who always sent him Christmas and birthday gifts and always included a little something for my sister and I. The gifts from Jess Davis were the only things we could open on Christmas Eve. One year, he sent us each a jelly jar jammed full of loose change. I think he just kept the jars on his counter and emptied his pockets all year, then gave them to us. Great for kids. Win.
3. Booze. One year we had a more extended group of family and people to share Christmas morning with, and there were festive wine bags lined up and down the windowsill next to the tree. None of that went to waste.
4. Food. Now is the time for creativity. Nick and Kellaura once gave us a bottle of homemade Irish Cream. (See above.) My sister-in-law once shared a homemade cheese ball that a friend gave her with a box of crackers. My sister gives caramel corn and refuses to give out the recipe because it is time consuming and messy to make. She says part of the gift is that she will physically make it for you and let you skip the messy parts. No one has ever turned down homemade bread.
5. Family Cookbook. One year my sister-in-law made a cookbook for me. Some recipes were new ones she found online and thought I would like, some were family recipes. All the family recipes were classic Williams recipes, ones that I would expect to eat on a holiday or had enjoyed sometime in the past. It's of the nature that if I think about making something and I would normally contact Trent's mom for the recipe, I usually check the cookbook first and I already have it.
6. Mix Tapes. Oh my God, I wish. If I had the means and the wherewithal, I would slip mix tapes in everyone's stockings.
7. Musical Instruments. I just learned that guitars are priced relatively reasonably. I'm pretty sure you can get a guitar for less than any electronic available today. Who knew? Ukuleles, harmonicas, classic things that will last a lifetime and make you the life of the party. If you are double awesome: Xylophone. Auto harp. Accordion. Bagpipe.
8. Pets from a Shelter. Giving someone a live animal is a bad idea- or is it? If we were getting a dog at our house, I would make it a Christmas surprise. Merry Christmas! It's Rogelio and Fritz, my two imaginary future dogs! This works because it's so much better to get a pet when you haven't thought through all the consequences. And if you're getting one dog or cat, why not get two? It's good for all parties involved, people and pets. Probably only good for immediate family and must be approved by the woman in charge.
9. Experiences. It has to be on the list, because it is the most genius gift. Especially if you plan to do something with the person, because then the gift also says, "I enjoy spending time with you!" Upside to this: Better for the environment than a toy that won't last. Downside: EXPENSIVE. The world where I can give everyone an experience is a world where my Christmas budget does not matter.
10. Charitable Giving. I think the trick to this is to still give something to the person to unwrap, but without spending more than a few dollars on the thing to unwrap. A few years ago we started making a donation for Trent's brother's family instead of trying to guess what 4 teenagers would enjoy opening. We always try to make it creative, so for example this year STOP READING NOW IF YOU ARE TROY OR JULEE.
We made a donation to a health clinic and gave them prescription jars filled with Skittles. It's wrapped in a Walgreens bag.
11. Re-gifts. Sometimes people have things in their homes that you love. Or you have things in your home that you know they love. What if you gave it to them? My aunt decided she didn't want to wait until she died (she's not even close to old) to split up her jewelry, so half the time when I see her she slips a ring on my finger or a bracelet on my arm. Or sneaks me a purse. There are black and white family pictures sitting in closets all over the country that could be framed and given. There are grandmother's quilts in closets and sentimental dishes and tools. The best gift might actually have been purchased or made years ago and it just waiting to be given new life.
12. Book of the Month Club. Last year I collected 12 used books and wrapped them in brown paper, each with a month written down the side and a clue about the contents on the front. Then I wrapped all of that in a big cardboard box and gave it to my sister for Christmas. It captured everything that the truest and best form of material gift giving can be. It was inexpensive, insanely fun to put together, insanely fun to give. I was giddy about giving it to her. I KNEW she would love, and she did. And it kept on giving all year long. What other Thing of the Month Clubs could there be...?